The View from Bolton Street
The View from Bolton Street
“Lord for your faithful people life is changed, not ended.”
This line from the Book of Common Prayer funeral liturgy is one of my favorites and a poignant reminder of what we believe about this life and the life to come. In the classic Christian traditions we believe that whatever comes after this is an extension of our short life here on earth.
A loving God awaits our return to God’s presence and Christ sits at his right hand offering to us eternal life and eternal peace. Which means that all those people that you love but see no longer are waiting at Jesus’ side for you as well.
But this theology of life being changed not ended is not only about the hereafter. When we encounter cataclysmic life changing events, moments when we are tempted to shout “my life is over!” Christ is right there to remind us that this is just a small change in the long arc of our lives, by no means the end.
For some of you the whole last year has felt like that, for others more recent events have tested your patience, your resolve, even your sense of self. For some of us, it feels like the world is crashing down on us, and others perhaps are too acutely aware of our own culpability in our current state of affairs.
No matter your condition or your state of mind, however, Christ is standing next to you to lift you up, hold your hand and remind you that life IS changed, but not over. There is a lot of life ahead, and Jesus can’t wait to walk with you through it.
Fall Sheng Zhen Practice in Rutter Mill Park
Hi Friends,
We still have many lovely fall afternoons ahead. Please consider joining us to practice Sheng Zhen Meditation in Rutter Mill Park for our weekly sessions.
We will continue to meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 5-6 PM in the Rutter Mill Park behind On the Hill Cafe, between Mosher and Lafayette on Rutter Street.
Please only join us if you are vaccinated, and maintain social distance. Masks optional outdoors. Unless it is raining, I will be at the park for class, so feel free to join me.
Wear comfortable clothes you can stretch in, and if you have a meditation stool, please bring it, as we often do seated forms. There are also benches at the park for those who do not have a stool.
Beginners and onlookers are always welcome. Come join us and see if you like it.
All classes are free with a suggested donation of $10/class to the International Sheng Zhen Society to support Master Li and our work. Donate here.
Hope to see you soon. With love,
OnRealm Training - October 3
OnRealm is our online tool for managing the business of the church. All members known to the treasurer already have a profile of some kind at our OnRealm site. What you may not know is how you can manage that profile to simplify the ways that you give of your time, talent, and treasure. This Sunday, October 3, at around 11:45 am following the end of the service, we will be holding a reasonably brief training session to familiarize ourselves with OnRealm. We will be covering the following:
Creating your own log-in and editing your personal information
How to find and express interest in volunteer roles
How to give to specific missions or pay your pledge
How to find and search the online membership directory
A brief self-directed overview is included below. To get here, look for the invitation from Memorial that came from It should have a link to set up your login. Once you have logged in you should see the following page:
The View from Bolton Street
Luke 9:1-5
9Then Jesus* called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, 2and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. 3He said to them, ‘Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money—not even an extra tunic. 4Whatever house you enter, stay there, and leave from there. 5Wherever they do not welcome you, as you are leaving that town shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.’
Many of you know that I spent quite a bit of time in and out of Afghanistan prior to my ordination. I served in a variety of capacities, but one constant through all of those different roles is the security profile I had to take. Whenever we left the embassy we travelled in armored cars, with bulletproof vests and armed guards. Not exactly 'take nothing for your journey', right?
In contrast the Afghans who work with us, as interpreters or lawyers or advisors, showed up in taxis, with no body armor and often the only thing they had to protect their identity was a pair of sunglasses so that the Taliban couldn't identify them.
And now we have left them largely behind, with no staffs, or bags, or extra tunics, to fend for themselves against a violent and unstable regime. They need our prayers, our support and our hospitality when and if they are able to make it to the United States.
As they come to our towns, much like the disciples came, let us ensure that we don't turn our backs on them, so that they wipe the dust from their feet when they leave. These are indeed God's people, and it will be up to us decide whether we are God's people as well.
Flowers and Candle Dedications
Every Sunday the talented members of the Flower Guild bring some of the beauty of Nature into the church to brighten up the space in front of the altar. You can dedicate the flowers, or the aumbry candle, to a loved one or for a special event, or just for no reason at all.
To dedicate the flowers, or candle, please click here . Below is a screen shot of the giving page for Memorial. You will need to select Flowers and Candles from the drop down menu on the right side (circled in red below) and if you would like to commemorate something or someone, with either the candle or the flowers please use the memo line (circled in purple).
Coffee Hour Sponsors
Remember loved ones! Celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or anything you would like!
As we begin to transition back to in-church services, we’re also transitioning back to in-person fellowship. For now Coffee Hour will remain outdoors, but if you have not been back recently, you may have missed our new collaboration with Ovenbird Bakery. Ovenbird is providing us with delicious baked goods every other week, but they are not free. Sponsorship of coffee hour is a great way to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or any event you would like to commemorate, while helping the church to offset the cost of refreshments.
Just click here and you can let us know what you are celebrating in the Memo section. On the right side of the page (where the red circle is) you can select Coffee Hour Donation. If you wish to dedicate the Coffee Hour to something or someone specific, please include it in the Memo (in the purple circle).
Monthly Prayer Service for Peace - Zoom 7:30 pm tonight, September 22, 2021
The Rev. Stewart Lucas and The Rev. Charlie Cloughen have been holding a monthly prayer service for peace on the 22nd of each month for some time now. In light of the recent events in Afghanistan, Grey+ will be sharing a meditation and leading a discussion after the service. If you would like to join the zoom link is:
For those who may not know, here is a bit of Father Grey’s bio:
Grey+ has also served parishes in Miami and Sterling, Virginia. Prior to entering seminary, Grey was a Presidential Management Fellow and Foreign Affairs Officer focused on justice reform efforts in Afghanistan. He oversaw anti-corruption and gender justice initiatives and maintains close relationships with Afghan and international organizations. He has also spent two years studying the intersection of faith between Islamic, Christian, and Jewish communities in Jerusalem.
The View from Bolton Street
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.
James 3:8
If you ask me “what is the goal of the Christian life?” I would answer “to get closer to God.” Indeed if you just woke up every day and said “today I desire to get closer to God” and then tried to do that — you would most certainly be on good terms with the Lord on the day of judgement. Resist Evil, Do Good, Seek Jesus.
If we strip away all the other aspects of our faith, the hymns and services and sacraments and prayers and practices, that is what we are called to do. So eloquently summarized by James.
So, how are you doing? Do you feel closer to God than you did a week ago? A year ago? In the “Before Times” (pre COVID-19 pandemic?) Maybe it is time to come home?
I hope this week you will join us, in person or on zoom, for our Homecoming Service. We will be welcoming a new organist (Hi Kenny!), a new Children’s and youth Minister (Hi Miles!), and ‘breaking ground’ on the Memorial Makes Room Renovation. More importantly we will be gathering together to Submit to God, Resist evil, do good and seek Jesus. It is an opportunity for you to join (or re-join) with this community as it strives to get closer to God and to be an ever brighter beacon for Christ’s hope and glory here in Bolton Hill.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Faith and the Environment - A GreenGrace Event
October 4, 2021 from 7-8 pm via Zoom
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Israel - April 2022
For more information, you can email Sally and Thomas Goss