OnRealm Training - October 3
OnRealm is our online tool for managing the business of the church. All members known to the treasurer already have a profile of some kind at our OnRealm site. What you may not know is how you can manage that profile to simplify the ways that you give of your time, talent, and treasure. This Sunday, October 3, at around 11:45 am following the end of the service, we will be holding a reasonably brief training session to familiarize ourselves with OnRealm. We will be covering the following:
Creating your own log-in and editing your personal information
How to find and express interest in volunteer roles
How to give to specific missions or pay your pledge
How to find and search the online membership directory
A brief self-directed overview is included below. To get here, look for the invitation from Memorial that came from OnRealm.org. It should have a link to set up your login. Once you have logged in you should see the following page: