The View from Bolton Street
The View from Bolton Street
Hello Friends -
We are in the midst of a season of the liturgical calendar known, semi-sarcastically, as “bread season.” Last Sunday we read the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John, and now for four Sundays in August we here Jesus’ reflections on the bread of life. Over and over again.
For preachers it can feel monotonous. I’m not saying I planned my summer vacation around this… but I’m not not saying that.
However since I am departing Memorial the last Sunday of “Bread Season” - and because I will miss you all, I thought I would leave you with a series of reflections on Bread For… I mean Faith Formation.
There are four basic steps to breadmaking just as there are four steps to growing our Faith with Jesus.
Stretch and Fold
Today we will focus on the “Stretch and Fold” process.
When we stretch dough we are testing its strength and elasticity, and when we fold it back we are adding additional depth and durability. One thing new break bakers are reminded of over and over is to “not overwork the dough.” What this means is you don’t want to get stretch the dough or you may break apart the proteins and bonds, leaving you with flat lifeless dough.
This makes sense right? Too many times in my life I have, in a fit of passion, gone out and run too far, biked too hard, lifted too much, and been in a lot of pain for days or weeks after. Maybe you have done this too?
Tried to make up for lost time and in the process hurt yourself, or at least found yourself with wounded pride (and sore muscles).
So too do we need to take care with our faith and spirituality. If you have not been reading a lot of scripture or praying too much, maybe don’t go on a week long silent retreat? Or try and read the whole book in one sitting?
Build up your resilience, work within yourself, and slowly develop your faith.
There is no need to compare ourselves to others! In the kitchen, the gym, or the pews. Your focus should be on what can make me a more faithful Christian today.
Can I spend a little more time in meditative prayer? Can I remember to give thanks before every meal this week? Can I read one chapter of scripture? One verse?
What can you do this week to stay within yourself and develop a little more spiritual resilience?
The View from Bolton Street
Hello Friends -
We are entering a season of the liturgical calendar known, semi-sarcastically, as “bread season.” Last Sunday we read the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John, and now for four Sundays in August we hear Jesus’ reflections on the bread of life. Over and over again.
For preachers, it can feel monotonous. I’m not saying I planned my summer vacation around this… but I’m not saying that.
However, since I am departing Memorial the last Sunday of “Bread Season” - and because I will miss you all, I thought I would leave you with a series of reflections on Bread For… I mean Faith Formation.
There are four basic steps to breadmaking just as there are four steps to growing our Faith with Jesus.
Stretch and Fold
Today we focus on the hardest part of bread making: rest. Like Tom Petty said, the waiting is the hardest part. When we let the dough rest we allow for multiple things to happen. We allow for flavors to blend, we allow for the water to soak into the flour, and we allow the yeast to begin eating away at the gluten in the flour and release carbon dioxide, producing sugar and flavor.
It takes time for new things to impact us. You can’t just expect a new narrative, a new story, a new way of thinking to shape you after your first encounter. Jesus tells a story about scattering seed and how where the seed lands impact how it grows. When a seed falls in shallow soil, it might sprout quickly, but it won’t last long.
If we don’t take time with our faith, if we don’t allow the words of Jesus, the teachings of our tradition to really soak in, we MIGHT have a lot of enthusiasm, we might jump in with both feet! But we won’t last very long because when our faith is challenged - we won’t know what to say.
Many people I meet who have “fallen away” from the Church have done so because the kind of faith they were presented with was just too basic to stand up to scrutiny.
‘If you believe your life will be easier.’ “Good people go to Church. Bad people don’t.” “Only Christians go to Heaven.” “You can’t be gay/trans/questioning/curious and a Christian.” “If you pray then bad things won’t happen.” “If you give your money to the church you will get more back.”
All of these promises have been made, whether with good intentions or not, to ‘rush’ ppl into faith. To ‘dumb down’ Christianity so that more people will believe.
But you can’t rush faith, just like you can’t rush this part of the bread making process.
With bread, you just end up with flat, tasteless loaves. But with faith you end up with a lot of hurt people.
If we spend time with scripture we learn that believers represent all kinds of behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles. When we study the history of the church we learn that historically, often the most faithful Christians have suffered the most. When we encounter our tradition we learn that prayer doesn’t make bad things disappear… but that it does make it easier to bear them. We learn that a community of people praying together has spiritual and practical benefits! We are reminded that people care for us, and sometimes they bring us cake. We learn that human conceptions of good and bad don’t really apply to the spiritual world, and that our good actions in this world really only matter if they come from the right intentions.
Most of all, what we learn when we spend time with our faith, is how little we really know and how much more there is to understand. We develop deeper connections, more robust structures and flavors, better connections with believers in this world and throughout the world’s history.
So friends, I encourage you to spend time with scripture, with our traditions, and with your faith - so you can develop the kind of faith that will carry you through the most difficult times.
The View from Bolton Street
Hello Friends -
We are entering a season of the liturgical calendar known, semi-sarcastically, as “bread season.” Last Sunday we read the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John, and now for four Sundays in August we hear Jesus’ reflections on the bread of life. Over and over again.
For preachers, it can feel monotonous. I’m not saying I planned my summer vacation around this… but I’m not saying that.
However, since I am departing Memorial the last Sunday of “Bread Season” - and because I will miss you all, I thought I would leave you with a series of reflections on Bread For… I mean Faith Formation.
There are four basic steps to breadmaking just as there are four steps to growing our Faith with Jesus.
Stretch and Fold
Today, we will talk about step one: mixing
Bread is a combination of four basic ingredients: flour, water, salt and leven. Each of these have a particular purpose and while you don’t have to be quite as exact in your measurements as you might suspect… big deviations will cause big problems.
Rather than strain the metaphor too much trying to connect each ingredient with something “churchy” I would prefer we focus on the act of mixing. You take four different things and put them together to make one new thing.
Faith formation requires mixing. It requires difference. It requires exposing ourselves to something new, different and challenging and seeing where it takes us.
Take some time to look around your life. Do all the people you interact with look and think the same? Do all the voices you interact with, all the media you consume, books you read reflect one point of view? When is the last time you made a new friend? Heard a new story?
When is the last time you read the Bible? And let it shape your life?
One of the great things about scripture is that there is so much of it that no matter how much of it we think we know, there is always something new. Always a story to hear differently.
So this week - practice “mixing”. Pick up the Bible. Say hello to a new person. Read something you might disagree with. And go to Jesus with your struggles with it.
This is how we continue to grow and shape our faith as we live in to the promise of “the bread of life.”
The View from Bolton Street
The Baptismal Covenant (The Book of Common Prayer, Episcopal):
Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and
in the prayers?
Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to
the Lord?
Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?
Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?
Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of ever
human being?
The commitments we make in our Baptismal covenant, repeated above, offer a very simple guide to the Christian way of life. What does it say?
Learn, Eat, and Pray together.
Try to live a good life and when you mess up, apologize and try again.
Love God, Love your Neighbor.
Yes. Those Neighbors.
Oh and Yes, even the ones you don’t know or like very much.
The Christian life, distilled, is lived in community in order to seek out the common good for all and gradually expand that community outward.
There have been many corruptions of this narrative offered in recent years, and honestly throughout history. We are in a constant process of learning to be better and do better, in the hopes that future generations will live lives more directed towards God’s word and Jesus’ teaching.
This Sunday we will welcome a new member into the family of Christ, Rosalie. She is a little too young to make these promises on her own, but the good thing is we all will gather together on Sunday to make these promises on her behalf, until at which time she can make her own promises sometime in the future. And we all get to work together to be a part of meeting these commitments throughout Rosalie’s life and the lives of all of those who walk through these doors.
I hope you will join us as we make these commitments and consider how you might recommit yourself to a life in Christ seeking to love your neighbor, care for the sick, and share in the breaking of the bread.
The View from Bolton Street
He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.”
Jesus, shorter: Wouldn’t you feel better if you took a nap?
There are times in our lives when everything seems to move at an intolerable pace. I can certainly say that moving to another city and trying to sell one home, buy another, say all the goodbyes, prepare for what’s ahead and still do all the things that need to get done is one of those times. So please know I speak from experience when I say that sometimes we need to listen to Jesus. And just. Take. A. Break.
Because the reality is, you can probably wait a moment to send that e-mail. You don’t have to share that facebook post right away. You can linger a little longer over lunch. You can spend a few more minutes reading that book. The world will not, in fact, come to an end if you do. And yet wherever we look something is telling us that we can’t stop. We can’t let up. We have to keep going.
Jesus was no different. Look what happens immediately after he says this in the Gospels. Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they hurried there on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them. The people would not let him rest. And so he taught and healed, and then went to another place, and the people did it again! They ran ahead and did whatever they could to get closer to Jesus. Such was their craving for peace, for healing, for relief.
I have two things to say to you all (and to me!) about this. 1) You are not Jesus. And neither am I. We need to rest. We need to seek out quiet deserted places to listen for the still small voice of God. We need to remind ourselves what gives us life, what brings us joy, what offers us peace. Especially when the world seems so loud, and so busy, we need to make that time.
And number 2) chasing after someone (or something) else for your peace will not bring you peace. What did all of these followers of Jesus end up doing to him? Cheering for his crucifixion. When we demand someone or something else provide us peace and clarity, eventually we end up turning on them. Because that can only come from within. From recognizing the presence of God within us and seeking to coax it out and share it with the world.
You may have, a time or two in the last week, said something like “If only…. Things would be better.” and filled in that space with any number of things. It is tempting to think there is a kind of silver bullet solution to our stresses and problems. To our challenges, both local and national.
“If only they would step down.”
“If only they would stop fighting”
“If only the Orioles would get another starting pitcher.”
“If only I could touch the hem of his cloak.”
But we can never predict what will happen with those external things. The pitcher could get injured, the replacement could be worse, etc. etc. It may grant you some temporary relief, but it won’t end the conflict out there and it won’t bring peace in here, to your heart.
That can only happen by stepping back and listening for God. Allowing God to speak from your heart. You have all you need right now to live a more peaceful, more joyful, more holy life. And when we start living that way those other problems and challenges don’t go away! But they do take on a more appropriate context and priority in our life and in the lives of those around us
Take some time this week to step back and seek peace friends. Seek out that still small voice of God.
The View from Bolton Street
In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will.
Ephesians 1
There is an old adage, not exactly Biblical, that whatever happens it is “part of God’s plan.” You should know that there is no truth to this at all. All kinds of terrible things happen in this world that God has no part in, and certainly are not part of God’s plan.
What IS true is that we all have a destiny that is deeply desired by God, that is to grow ever closer to the Divine until one day we are gathered there at the footstool of God in whatever life comes after this.
The question for us is - will we live in to that destiny? Do we accept that inheritance?
Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians reminding his followers of this inheritance and spends the rest of the letter helping them understand how to live in to that promise.
How will you live in to God’s promise?
Knowing that God had a destiny for you and that there is a place for you in God’s kingdom, how might you reorient your life to that end?
It could be as simple as a regular Bible study, adding a devotional practice to your morning routine, or committing to one act of charity a week. Maybe even seeking to reconcile with someone you said you could never speak to again. All of these have the ability to bring you closer to God.
What will you do?
The View from Bolton Street
Be at peace among yourselves. And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the faint-hearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them. See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:13-18
Dear Memorial,
It is with a mixture of excitement and sadness that I write to you all to tell you that I have accepted a call to another parish and that my last Sunday with you will be August 25th, 2024.
A week or so ago, our family was offered the opportunity to do something that has been in the back of our minds for many years: to move to North Carolina and be closer to family and friends. Neither Monica nor I expected things to progress so far so fast, but when you put the Holy Spirit in charge it is almost never in your hands. This past week I accepted the offer and we have begun putting together the various pieces for our own physical transition to North Carolina and the spiritual and practical transitions that will take place here at Memorial.
Your wardens, Stacy and Beth, have been working with the Diocesan Canon for Transitions on a transition plan, and yesterday we met with the vestry to inform them of the pending transition as well. The responses have been a mixture of excitement for us, shock and surprise, and sadness, and... well we are feeling very much the same in the Maggiano household.
It has been truly a privilege and honor to serve as your rector these last eight and a half years, to walk with you through moments of great joy and tremendous sadness, of new beginnings and of rough moments of confusion and loss. But what I have enjoyed most is seeing the words of our savior Jesus come alive in you, in word and in deed. From how you treat each other on a Sunday morning to how you rally support behind those who are hurting in our community you truly are Christ's hands and feet in the world.
There will be much more to say before we say goodbye, but let me leave you with this. Come September I will no longer be the Rector of Memorial Episcopal Church. And that is sad for me and sad for you as well. But I do still get to be your friend. You will remain in my prayers as a parish and as individuals who have shared so much with me and my family. We will not soon forget you all.
I began this reflection with Paul's farewell to the Thessalonians: if we can all follow Paul's words in the days and weeks and years to come, Memorial and the various communities we all come to serve and love will do just fine indeed.
In Christ
The View from Bolton Street
This week marks the end of Pride Month in Baltimore - an opportunity to celebrate all of the amazing achievements in equality that have been made in our region in recent years as well as to name the many challenges that still lay ahead.
I hope you will join us this Sunday as we mark the end of Pride month with a special Eucharist as well as by sharing Memorial Episcopal Church’s own history of LGBT inclusion.
During the service members of the Church will take turn reading portions of the history and during coffee hour you are encouraged to discuss and share things that surprised or delighted you or even things you felt were left out.
This is living history and we should be “proud” (within the limits of our Christian tradition I suppose) to celebrate these accomplishments and the people who made them possible.
The View from Bolton Street
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2020 —
On June 19, 1865, two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln’s historic Emancipation Proclamation, U.S. Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3, which informed the people of Texas that all enslaved people were now free. Granger commanded the Headquarters District of Texas, and his troops had arrived in Galveston the previous day.
General Order No. 3 states:
“The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.”
The View from Bolton Street
Pride and Prejudice: The Story of the Church
This past week I have been working with some members of the congregation to catalogue our parish’s history of LGBT Inclusion. It is a pretty amazing journey! And has been a joy to hear their stories and to delve into the parish (and local library) archives for additional information.
Some highlights: as far back as the 1970’s Memorial was a safe place for Gay men and women to worship and be involved in ministry without having to answer any questions. Memorial began the first AIDS healing service in the Diocese and was part of a consortium of believers that established the first AIDS Hospice here in the city. In the 1990s, Memorial spurred conversation by blessing a same-sex couple’s relationship publicly (drawing the ire of the Diocese and the National Church in the process). In the 2000’s we were involved in pressuring both the Church (2003) and the State (2012) in the blessing of same-sex marriages canonically and legally.
Memorial can and should take great PRIDE in our history of LGBT Inclusion. But with these stories also came quite a few stories of pain and prejudice.
It is hard for younger Episcopalians to imagine a church where you were scared to acknowledge your own identity, or even be willing to have the internal conversation. As one member put it to me, what was amazing was not just that gay people were accepted but that they were fully included in the life of the Church: “I was ‘included’ whereas in other churches at that time, acceptance meant tolerance, or not asking us to leave.”
Prejudice is of course still alive and well in the Church. In some parts of the country even Episcopal churches may not be safe spaces for LGBT folk. In our own city Trans rights are still hard to protect, and on a national and international level these rights are under constant attack. It is wonderful that we will gather this Saturday for the Pride parade and that every Sunday Memorial will be an open and affirming congregation for all people no matter who they are or who they love.
But we must also ask how can we continue to support, advocate, and lift up our siblings in Christ who do not yet enjoy the same freedoms. Every Sunday we gather to celebrate the coming Kingdom of God and then we spend the days in between seeking to build a world that is a bit more like that Kingdom.
So this week let us celebrate the pride, acknowledge the prejudice, and continue to build the Kingdom.