The View from Bolton Street
The View from Bolton Street
Reflecting on my journey developing Parenthesis on Parenting, I think of my walk with Christ. The two journeys began at the same time.
Throughout my professional career, I have chosen many paths of serving others, from healthcare to running a food pantry. In my personal life, I have taken several spiritual paths. The goal for both has always been to find purpose and help others. Through prayer, diligence, and obedience, God has shown me to use what he has taken me through and saved me from as a ministry to help others. He told me to use my life as a testimony to help others. I told God I had overcome adversity and never wanted to shine a light on my hardships. God told me to use my life as a ministry to help others.
Ultimately, that's what I did. I looked at my family, I looked at my friends, and I looked at my community for ways to use my journey to help others. I looked at all I overcame through Christ Jesus and discovered my calling and purpose: family restoration. We live in a city where children cry for help, and we are searching for a solution. The solution to this problem starts by helping mothers and caregivers. This is why I began Parenthesis on Parenting and my ministry to help mothers in need.
During one of Memorial's Lunch and Learn Reparations events, I openly discussed the organization's mission and goals. The Rev. Grey Maggiano, our Rector, asked if we could schedule an appointment to discuss things further. After that conversation, he asked me when I would be ready to move from contemplation to action. His response was the confirmation I needed. God affirmed my journey, and through a partnership, he orchestrated the means to begin Parenthesis on Parenting was granted.
Philippians 4:6
Philippians 4:19
The View from Bolton Street
After starting today’s reflection several times on various topics, then deleting (the 2023 version of scrunched up pieces of paper on the floor), I looked around the room for a sign. A book that was given to me after my dad died caught my eye. The cover is teal blue and stands out on the bookshelf. It is a “prayer of the day” book, which has always felt “too churchy” to me. [Can I say that in a church reflection?] However, thinking, “What harm can it do?”, I decided to look up today’s message. And bam [face palm emoji].
“Bring me all your feelings, even the ones you wish you didn’t have. Do not hide from your fear or pretend it isn’t there. Anxiety that you hide in the recesses of your heart will give birth to fear of fear. Bring your anxieties out into the Light of My Presence, where we can deal with them together.”*
The best messages are the ones you didn’t even know you needed. I read this and I physically felt a lifting of fear and anxiety that I didn’t realize I was holding on to. Though, I shouldn’t be surprised. Between work and home, there are a variety of transitions going on and some have unknown outcomes. Through writing this reflection, I’m realizing that I haven’t given myself space or grace to consider how I feel about these transitions – whether it be a new boss or a new school.
What fear or anxiety might you be holding on to? Remember that God is there to help lighten the load. Take time to reflect and see where God is in the situation.
- Stacy Wells
*An excerpt from the book “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. The July 19 message is from Ephesians 6:16; 1 John 1:5-7; and Isaiah 12:2.
The View from Bolton Street
It really is “All About Love” in Baltimore.
Today concludes the Episcopal Church’s “All About Love” Festival here in Baltimore. Many of us came to the Festival/Conference/Revival not entirely sure why we were there. Was this about evangelism? Racial reconciliation? Was this a ‘make-up’ conference for General Convention? A vanity project? WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?
Let me say, quite truthfully, that none of that mattered. Because what we remembered when we got down to the convention center is that, above all, it is good for us to be together. It is easy to forget, after all, that the value of gathering communally is usually NOT the content of workshops, programs, trainings, whatever it is.
The value of gathering together is the small conversations with new and old friends, the ability to share dreams, hopes, visions, ideals, and to contemplate new ways of being with each other.
Perhaps the true genius of the Stations of the Cross walks we have been doing is not in the selection of the sites, or the prayerful petitions and responses, but in the time built in between stops for people to reflect, pray, converse, share, and wonder with no set agenda.
Because it is in those moments, the unplanned, unscheduled encounters with the divine that we truly see love in action. That is when we see God at work, when we allow space for the Holy Spirit to act in our lives.
Perhaps, not everything need have a purpose? Perhaps we should make time in our life for unplanned interactions. For quiet. To experience God’s love, to taste God’s joy, and to experience God’s hope.
I hope you will allow some time to be surprised this season.
The View from Bolton Street
I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.
Romans 7:15
I feel you, Paul. This is basically me when I eat too much pizza. Or “forget” to go to the gym.
But seriously, this is Paul at his best. Human. Down to earth. Connecting with us. Reminding us that sin is not always some big evil awful scary thing, but is just the reality of being human. We all sin, we all fall short, we all need grace. Even Paul. Even you. Even Me.
The rest of this passage is admittedly not very clear to our modern ears, but in Paul’s day there was a lot of discussion about the applicability of the law if Jesus came to abolish/fulfill it. Basically, if Jesus came to forgive our sins, then why should we worry about following the law? Can’t we just say sorry and we’re good? (I had a roommate once who argued this point)
But ‘the law’ does not exist to provide salvation. It’s just there to keep us on the right path. There are thousands of old testament commandments and laws. Thousands more were interpreted after the fact. And while the Christian interpretation of “It all boils down to Love God, Love your Neighbor” is helpful… it clearly does not fill in all the gaps.
And I have bad news. I don’t know which laws really matter and which don’t anymore than you do. (Please see above comment regarding pizza) Sure some seem pretty obvious: murder, stealing, adultery. But we have a whole lot of very polemical instructions around human sexuality, and less polemical instructions on mixed fabrics and tattoos. Don’t worry, though, neither Paul nor Jesus expect us to make it up on our own.
A mentor described sin and the law as being a little like pinball. They exist to keep us on the field and bounce us back into right relationship with God. They are gentle (and sometimes less than gentle) reminders that something is not going quite right, but can be if we listen to those signs and symbols when we find ourselves doing the things that we hate, the things that make us feel distant from God and from others.
Now, people usually prefer something a little simpler. “Do this and you go to heaven. Do that and you don’t.” The Bible for dummies, or something like that. I appreciate that desire, I really do, but the reality of God’s divine love and of our human existence just doesn’t allow for simple step-by-step guides.
We all sin. We all fall short. Sometimes intentionally, but usually not. There is no shame in making a mistake, even when the world tries to tell you there is. We just shift our focus and try to be more intentional about doing better next time. And there is certainly no shame in being who God made you to be, even if others say it is sinful and wrong. God doesn’t make mistakes, and if God does, you aren’t one of them.
Announcing Memorial's 2023 Scholarship Recipients
In June, Memorial awarded four scholarships to Baltimore City School Students based on their excellent academic performance, commitment to their community, and generosity of spirit. All four awardees are graduating from Baltimore City Public Schools, and all are attending highly ranked four-year colleges or universities: Howard University, Clark Atlanta University, North Carolina A and T, and University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
These four students have an average GPA of 3.9, have taken 2-5 AP classes each, and have participated in every club, sport, activity and everything else you could ask of them. They are excellent students and humans who would make a fine addition to any college campus,
Congratulations to these outstanding students!
Not Pictured: Cynthia Leila Tate (Western High School)
The View from Bolton Street
Matthew 10:40-42
Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet's reward; and whoever welcomes a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will receive the reward of the righteous; and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple-- truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.”
Hospitality is one of the charisms of the Christian Church. Or at least it should be. True we have waxed and waned in our ability to love without judgment and to welcome the stranger, but on the whole, this is still something the church does rather well. After all, this is how the church started; welcoming strangers into a new community and making them feel at home.
In the last year, our city of Baltimore, and particularly our neighborhoods of reservoir and bolton hill have become more practiced in this as we have welcomed a large population of Afghan refugees here. Mt Royal School has upwards of 30 students, most of whom live nearby with friends and family.
And now it is likely, God Willing, that Memorial will also become a place of refuge and welcome for a family that has made a rather perilous journey to our borders. As detailed here: Fleeing Afghanistan, U.S. Allies Risk Journey Through Darién Gap - The New York Times ( this second wave of Afghan refugees have crossed oceans, land borders, and come by foot, car, bus and boat, and finally by plane to seek out new homes. Volunteers from ERICA and Memorial staff are working this week to get the Rectory in condition for a family to move in, and we are hoping that you will consider staying after Church on Sunday to clean, straighten, arrange, make beds, set tables, stock cabinets and otherwise get our Rectory set up to be home for this family.
This is, of course, a blessing to us as well. First, the opportunity to exercise our gifts of charity and hospitality, but also to learn and share in the life of a family so different from many of our own, and yet with much in common. If you are interested in helping on Sunday, please contact Wendy Yapp as she is coordinating the volunteers, and if you would like to make a financial contribution to support the family you can donate to Memorial's Afghan relief fund online or via check.
We will share more about the family as we are able, but for now we ask that you keep them in their prayers as they seek to make the last part of their journey safely.
The View from Bolton Street
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.
John 14:1-3
My memories of my grandmother all have a certain dream-like quality. You know, where there are little tinges of pink and green on the outsides - and you are kind of floating through everything, not really touching the ground?
Perhaps this is fitting for her. She had an intoxicating smile, and could make one feel, if only for a moment, like they were the most important person in the world.
And yet often those moments were fleeting, and you never knew quite when she would appear back in your life. When your story would connect back with her story.
Perhaps it is fitting for another reason - that while I don’t know most of the story, I do understand her childhood was at times the stuff of nightmares. She certainly had a troubled heart, as Jesus speaks about in the Gospel. She deserved a little dreaming.
Perhaps this explains her fervent faith - this promise of a safe dwelling place with God in the next life. And like the disciples, and us, she did not quite know the way to this place. But she, and we, have this promise from Christ himself — I am the way. The truth. And the life.
A perfect father, a mother without sin, a safe dwelling place — these promises of the Christian faith offered everything she could not find in this life. Perhaps that’s why she was such a good gift giver. It was, it must be said, one of her talents, she sent my daughter a long “fur” coat with a Dalmatian collar that she wore EVERYWHERE during summers in Miami. It was her princess coat and she loved it. There is a line from scripture about God being a good giver of gifts. When I was ordained she managed to gift me two Chasubles in the appropriate colors despite not ever having seen me celebrate at the altar or preach from the pulpit.
She did not know quite how to love, but she tried.
So where does that leave us? The inheritors of this imperfect love? Now usually at a funeral I preach about resurrection. And that for those we love but see no longer — we practice resurrection by identifying those pieces of our loved ones life and story that resonated with us and continuing to live those out. To keep their story alive — to practice resurrection in this life so that more may come to believe in resurrection in the next.
It gets more complicated when the legacy is more complicated though, doesn’t it?
Perhaps then - we should practice the reconciliation here that we believe our loved ones are experiencing right now in heaven. Can we let go of foolish pride, can we free ourselves from the fear of being hurt, can we open our hearts to give and receive love without need for reciprocity! Free from guilt, from comparing accounts, without any agenda.
If we can begin to do that… we might see some resurrection here. Now. With people we love and would like to see a bit longer.
The most recent memory of my grandmother is a little more ridiculous. For Mother’s Day a few years ago, Monica sent flowers to my grandmother. The company said the order was undeliverable. Monica checked the address, and had them try again. Again- undeliverable. A third time they tried and finally Monica got a call from the local florist “the customer rejected the flowers.” Rejected the flowers.
I didn’t know that was a thing you could do.
One must be in great pain to reject such a simple expression of love, especially from someone they had not seen in quite some time. I don’t harbor any ill will towards my grandmother. But I do hope that I can learn from, that we all can learn, to not say no to the flowers.
We all have people in our lives that we are less than connected with, who we could stand to reconcile with. Now may not be the time, but someday they may send flowers. Someday they, or you, may reach out in love. Someday they may seek to reconcile.
And when that moment happens, let’s not let our hearts grow so cold that we can’t say yes. Let’s never say no to the flowers, ok? Let us be willing to receive love.
The View from Bolton Street
Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person-- though perhaps for a good person, someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.
Romans 5:7-8
This week I am honored to welcome to the pulpit Sarah Battley, from The Well and Hon’s honey. Sarah is a longtime advocate for trafficked women and sex workers and has been fearless and tireless in her efforts to get young women clean, sober and off the street.
Sarah and I were classmates at St Mary’s Seminary and I have long been impressed by her work under difficult and often impossible circumstances. She is a living example of Paul’s words above - that God’s love is expressed in that while we are still sinners, Jesus gave his life for us. Sarah doesn’t only help good people, or righteous people Or remorseful people - but all people.
For more on “The Well” click here, and for more on Hon’s Honey click here. And please join us this Sunday to learn more.
The View from Bolton Street
“ At that time the Canaanites were in the land.”
Genesis 12
This small line from Genesis 12 sticks with me. Buried in the midst of Abram’s transformation from a wandering Aramean to the patriarch of a multi-religious (Jewish, Muslim and Christian) family is this short phrase. ‘At that time the canaanites were already in the land.’
Now this is the same land that God says he is going to give to Abraham and all of his offspring (that is Muslims, Christians and Jews) and yet there are people IN THE LAND ALREADY.
There is actually no good resolution to this. Neither in Genesis 12 nor the rest of scripture. Or for that matter in human history. We still have regular conflict - often between Muslims, Christians and Jews - over this same patch of ground. We are certainly not going to resolve it in this one reflection!
Perhaps it is enough to just be reminded that whatever we think is given to us, provided for us, offered specifically for us, it belonged to someone else first.
I think about this when it comes to churches — Memorial is not MY CHURCH or even OUR CHURCH, but rather a building and a community that we curate and caretake for past and future generations.
I think about it also when it comes to our ministry in Baltimore. No matter how committed we may feel to a project, or an idea, we should remember that there was someone here before us. Often newcomers to Baltimore will refer to it as a ‘blank slate’ and it can feel like that, especially with so much vacant land here in West Baltimore.
But there are people here, people who are from here, and people who have invested their time and energy and joy and sorrow into this city and these places and we should remember that ‘they were already in land’ when we arrived.
So we too should approach any work we do with humility, patience, kindness and authenticity - remembering that we did not get here first, and we will not be the last. We are curating a space and place for those who came after us.
The View from Bolton Street
And God created the human in his image,
In the image of God, he created him,
Male and female, he created them.
Let’s talk about pronouns. Everybody has them and in most languages, everything has them as well. English is a bit of an anomaly in that regard, and perhaps that is part of the current kerfuffle we have in our public dialogue around trans identity and pronouns. Just look at the above translation from Hebrew: “the human” (singular) refers to all of us, and “he created him” in the next phrase is, in the words of the translator, “grammatically but not anatomically masculine.” Despite various and sundry claims like “there are no pronouns in the bible” or “God doesn’t have pronouns” the simple claim by God to Moses “...I am” put that to rest.
But the question is not really about whether God has pronouns, or if pronouns exist. The question is about identity. Should we, as people of faith, allow or encourage others to wrestle with, question, or even change their gender identity?
Now, I, of course, recognize that in our particular community at Memorial, the answer to this is almost universally yes. Even in the broader Episcopal Church, there is broad support for trans rights. But in all of our larger circles, there are people, good Christian people, who are really reluctant to support anything associated with trans rights.
To those friends and loved ones, I would say that when confronted with difficult, uncomfortable situations we should take our cues from Jesus and from scripture. We should be curious, open-minded, clear in our faith, and clearer in our love.
In that spirit I offer three reflections on Compassion, Reflection and Grace.
First, Compassion: it is painful, mentally and physically, to transition. It is not a decision anyone makes quickly or easily. A first step for us is acknowledging how stressful and painful this time must be, and reminding your friends, neighbors, loved ones that you love them and care for them, no matter what. Jesus tells the prodigal son story for a reason, we should never abandon family.
Second, Reflection: We worship a God that we identify as one and yet three. A God that was at once earthly man, heavenly deity, and ethereal spirit. We serve a God that has identified as God, Jesus, Male and Female, and sometimes just “I AM.” As Christians we have been arguing for thousands of years about how exactly we can describe and explain God to each other, so perhaps we should offer a little understanding to those people seeking to understand how God has made them. What aspects of your own identity have you struggled with? Your profession? Calling? Hairstyle? Clothing? Instead of being judge mental let’s reflect on our own struggles and ask how we can support others in theirs.
Finally, Grace: You don’t have to be okay with someone’s choices to be okay with them. I still love the Yankees fans in my life. If someone asks you to use a different set of pronouns, or to call them by a different name, or to accept them as a different gender, that does not require you to change your fundamental beliefs or your understanding of God. It just requires showing enough respect for the people you love to trust their beliefs.
There is a lot of anger out in the world right now. At beer companies and clothing stores and at faces we see online. But as Christians, we should remember that none of those things really matter. What matters is the relationship we have with God and with God’s people in the world, you, me, and all of us. And if we begin those relationships, no matter how fraught, with compassion, reflection, and grace, we will do much, much better.