The View from Bolton Street

Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Sometimes… we just don’t get it

In this weeks Gospel Jesus has a unique encounter with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. In this brief story he divulges to her that he can offer living water to any who ask, knows her whole life story, offers her forgiveness and acceptance into the Kingdom of Heaven, and she, in turn, says she is waiting for the Messiah and when she realizes that Jesus is the one she has been waiting for, she runs to tell everyone she knows.

And the disciples big takeaway was…. You shouldn’t be talking to that woman. You must be delirious. Here, have some food.

Sometimes…we just don’t get it.

We are so fixated on doing the right thing, the safe thing, the correct thing, that we miss the BIG THING that God is doing.

This week, many of our minds at Memorial are on questions of scarcity. Will we have enough. Do we have enough. Can we be enough. It is not unlike the disciples who rush off to find food for Jesus only to come back and find out that he has his own food! They are too busy being frustrated to turn and ask him for this bread of life. Fears of scarcity are completely rational. Normal and part of our human condition.

But we worship a God of Abundance. A God who provided food and water in the desert - even as God’s people complained! A God who sent his son to redeem the world. A God who even now offers us blessing after blessing after blessing even as we turn away, ignore or claim God’s blessings as being of our own design.

Even as you are fretting about your own budgets and accounts and burdens, God is right there, providing exactly what you need.

Sometimes… we just don’t get it.

Fortunately, God gets us. God loves us. And God provides for us.

I have no doubt that as tenuous as our 2023 budget looks - Memorial will be just fine. Not because I have a secret answer to budget woes and falling stock markets, but because I believe in a God who is always right on time. Sometimes we just have to get out of God’s way and prayerfully consider what God would have us do in the moment.

The Vestry and staff will be guided by a very basic principle as we navigate this current budget crisis — does this work we are considering bring us closer to God? And if the answer is yes, then we can move forward; if not, we should take a step back, and ask ourselves how we can better use our resources to the glory of God here in Baltimore.

And if we do that? No matter what the balance sheet says we will be just fine in the end.

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. 

Genesis 12:4

He makes it look so easy. “So Abram went.” Abram/Abraham, this common ancestor the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths all share, represents for all of us the pinnacle of faithfulness. God commands. Abraham does.  There are more than a few of you I am sure thinking, if only it were so easy. 

The reality of course is that it is not.  Not even in the Bible. You see Abraham doesn’t just go when God says go. God didn’t just show up and start ordering Abraham around and he was like, ‘yes God whatever you say God.’  Sometimes in our simplified Christian view we forget that something went before the obedience. The faithfulness. The steadfastness in the face of adversity. 

You see God and Abraham had a covenant. We will read it this Sunday. “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” And God keeps God’s promise. EVEN WHEN ABRAHAM (and all of us) didn’t keep his.  That is the way covenants work.  We have precious few covenantal relationships in our lives, the bond between parents and children, the covenant between clergy and the Church, and the marriage covenant are a few examples. They aren’t perfect, because we aren’t perfect, but these are relationships where we have a certain set of obligations and commitments to each other that do not depend on the actions of the other side because we trust that the other side is faithful even when we can’t see it.  

When I was ordained I submitted to the doctrine and discipline of the Episcopal Church even though I have no idea how those doctrines will change and move over time, because I trust that God is working through the Church even when I don’t see it.  

Perhaps then Abraham’s faithfulness - while impressive - is not as shocking. After all he got to have his ancestors be as numerous as the stars in the sky and stretching across every part of the known world. Pretty cool, really. 

You know who we should pay attention to?  Lot. 

“And Lot went with him.”  

It is one thing to be faithful because you have an agreement with God.  It is quite another thing to be faithful because you trust in someone else’s relationship with God.  If Abraham is the first priest/rabbi then Lot is the first congregant. And Lot does suffer, doesn’t he.  He trusts! But it is not without loss.  And there isn’t nearly as much glory in being Lot, is there.  

But I submit that Lot’s life was still better than if he had state behind in Haran.  Not because things would get better or worse for him personally socially, or professionally.  

But because by following Abraham he gave up everything for the simple joy of getting to know God up close.  He didn’t ask what was in it for him, or how long they would be gone, he just went.  And his life was profoundly changed. 

So to can your life be profoundly changed.  So to can you get to know and follow God more closely.  Not by doing what I say (heaven forbid!) but by following the life and teaching of our chief priest, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   

This season of Lent we are invited back into that covenant relationship.  We are invited to walk again the path of Christ.  To forsake the commonplace and ordinary for the life of a Christian.  Which, if you are doing it right, is seldom boring. 

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Forgive or Forget

Ash Wednesday 2023

One of our most powerful qualities as humans is forgetting. It is our ability to forget that helps us get back on the horse when we fall, back on the bike when we crash, back into our job, life, church, and community when we fail, stumble, or make mistakes. We (hopefully) develop muscle memory around the failure, but we are able to create enough mental space from our previous mistakes to make another attempt. This can be a beautiful thing! Think of all the inventors, all the advocates, all the visionaries who struggled at the beginning. If they had not been able to forget the pain of those other failures where would they, or we, be?

Perhaps, then, this is not forgetting at all but forgiving.  Forgiving ourselves and trusting that we can learn and do better next time.  

The shadow side of this is of course forgetting you ever did anything wrong and proceeding to continue to come back and do the same hurtful and damaging thing over and over and over again. 

Many of us have been there as well. On both sides of the equation. 

Lent is an opportunity for us to move from forgetting to forgiving.  From continuing to hurt ourselves and others, to learning and growing from our mistakes.  From walking confidently in our own knowledge to walking humbly in the shadow of our God. 

This Ash Wednesday we remind ourselves that we are nothing more than ashes and dust. As Deacon Natalie reminded us on Sunday, “Life is short, and we have little time to gladden the hearts of those who travel with us. So be swift to love and make haste to be kind.”  I hope you take some time to forgive yourself and to seek to practice restoration, healing, and hope this Lent. 

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Transfigurations and Transformations

This Sunday we hear the story of the Transfiguration. Jesus is on the mountaintop with Peter and James and John and the total confusion that ensues when Jesus becomes something he is not supposed to be. 

The disciples are scared, confused, and ultimately humbled -- deciding that they should just stay here where this amazing thing has just happened! Why go anywhere else?! 

Today I am thinking about the need for transfigurations and transformations in West Baltimore. More than 15,000 registered vacant homes in this city, thousands more unregistered, and even more barely livable. Many, many of those are a stone's throw from our front doors. 

Honestly, this has been the case for so long that most of us just say, well that is the way it is. This is what Baltimore looks like.  

But there are people working to transfigure and transform West Baltimore.  This is probably the only time I will link to an article from Apartment Therapy in this space, but this interview with Shelly Halstead, along with photos of the transformation of her own home, is well worth your time. (Design Changemakers 2023: Shelley Halstead Combines Carpentry and Advocacy | Apartment Therapy

Shelly is a light to all of us.  And she has transfigured Etting street into something almost unrecognizable. And it is tempting to leave it there.  But she has bigger dreams for her organization and for West Baltimore than a few renovations.  

This includes business incubators, access to healthy food, artist and community spaces — all by black women for black women. Truly visionary. 

The question for us is how do we go from seeing the small vision to the big vision? How do we go from charity to justice? 

Tomorrow you are invited to join us at 10:30 am at Greater Harvest Baptist Church on Saratoga street to join with dozens of congregations from across the city to call for city and state action to support real action on vacant homes and affordable housing in Baltimore. 

We have to stop looking for people who defy the odds to make it work, and start changing the odds so everyone has an opportunity.  Please plan to join as you are able and wear a BUILD or a Memorial “Jesus Centered - Justice Focused” shirt. 

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

A Big THANK YOU! to everyone that assisted with Sunday's annual meeting, particularly all the staff and volunteers that worked hard on annual reports and new programs and materials.  Special kudos to Candice Willie our parish administrator for herding all the cats and getting the paperwork together for the meeting and the website updated.  If you have not read through the annual reports and watched the children's report I hope you will do so very soon. It is well worth your time!  


Since we launched the Guy T. Hollyday Justice and Reparations fund, we have raised over $130k and distributed $92,742.  Significant beneficiaries have been Building our Nation’s Daughters, Black Women Build, The Diocesan Reparations Fund, Baltimoreans United for Leadership Development, St. Katherine’s Episcopal Church, Kindred Coaches, Dad’s United, and underwriting the Division and Unity History display at the Unity Hall produced by Nanny Jack, Inc.


We are in the process of rebuilding our worship post-pandemic.  It has of course been hampered by the delay in the renovation work, but also by the continuing shift in who we are and how we gather.  While our worship is outlined by the Book of Common Prayer, the blank space in the prayer book offers a lot of space for flexibility. Music, prayers, silence, singing.  As we continue to ask what our worship should look like, exploring these blank spaces will be an important part of our worship journey.


Over the summer, due to the collaboration between Miles Weeks and Kathleen Capcara, we substantially rejuvenated our youth program with more consistent curriculum, expanding programming to include more ages, and we have begun to see the return of our pre-COVID children and youth programming. I am looking forward to what Miles and other volunteers are able to do in  the new year. 

Urgent Needs: 

As has been our practice over the last few years, Memorial has been very flexible in our ability to reach out and support urgent needs in our community and the wider world.  From September 2021 through the middle of 2022, myself and some other dedicated volunteers partnered to provide support and assistance to Afghans fleeing the Taliban regime.  All told, we were able to evacuate more than 160 Afghans via air and land to safety, almost all of whom have since made it to the U.S. or European countries where they have received sanctuary.  We also worked with a local partner Luminus and Brown Memorial and Beth Am Synagogue to provide for the Afghan families that have settled in Reservoir Hill. 

The excitement about the annual meeting and how far we have come in the last year was tempered of course by the sobering financial report.  Due to a number of circumstances, including quite a few unpaid 2022 pledges and lower than expected special appeal revenue numbers in 2022, we ended the 2022 year with a large deficit - over $100,000.  The good news is many of those missing pledges have been paid up since our meeting Sunday and we are confident there are more to come. 

However, there is also a lower than expected number of pledgers making their commitment to 2023. Because of this, the finance committee did not present a budget at the annual meeting. The vestry and I concurred, and we proposed a special meeting for March 5 during which the congregation will consider and vote upon a budget for 2023.  On Sunday, members voted to approve the proposal. 

In the interim between now and March 5 we will work on bringing in more pledges so that 2023 spending isin line with reasonable revenue projectionss. The good news is that several 2023 pledges have come in since Sunday. The finance committee and staff will work hard over the next few weeks ensuring our 2023 budget is substantive and responsive to our current reality. 

Some of you had questions about the temporary budget resolution to carry us through March 5th, so let me offer a few clarifying comments: First, the vestry is the chief fiduciary authority of the parish, and as such have, since November, instituted a "only necessary spending" policy, so any spending between now and March 5th will be mainly to keep the lights on and the staff compensated.  Second, we are continuing with the “Memorial Makes Room” work (construction re-started this week!) and don’t anticipate any further delays. Third, our primary focus will continue to be worship and music, youth and justice and reparations. A clearer focus on our core strengths will lead to better budget stability and confidence in the mission of Memorial. 

I should also say that while we would never protest increased pledges, the problem is not really about how much you all pledge.  You all are exceedingly generous in your support of this place and our average pledge is higher than many other churches.  Our principal challenges are two-fold: 1) recovering lost building revenue post COVID, and 2) getting more people in the pews (and additional pledges to support our work).  While this may seem daunting I have no doubt that if we trust the spirit and continue to serve God and our community these things will materialize. 

I look forward to presenting to you a fuller picture of the budget in March including a 2023 budget that serves our communities’ needs and will not leave us in the same position we have been in at the end of every year -- concerned about a deficit and unsure of the next year's revenue.  If you see anyone from the finance committee please tell them thank you for their extraordinary efforts in making this happen. 

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

He has told you, O mortal, what is good;

and what does the Lord require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8

If there is a better reading to mark our annual meeting, I can’t think of one.  After all, what else is required of us but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God? 

Such simple statements and yet one could spend a lifetime perfecting them.  Justice. Kindness. Humility.  Maintaining these in balance, however, is critical to maintaining our relationship with Jesus and with each other.  Too much justice without humility and we think we have all the answers, too much kindness without justice and we end up only helping people like us. Too much humility without justice or kindness and we find ourselves the victims of abuse.  

In Micah, God is speaking to outcasts, loners, sinners, and said you will be the ones to rebuild this Kingdom.  And how will they do it? Through justice, kindness and humility.  They didn’t believe it then, and it is quite possible you do not believe it now! It is hard to believe that one little church could make a difference. Especially in a place with problems like Baltimore.  And yet if we look back through scripture, history and our own stories - that is where it always starts. 

As I am contemplating the joys and challenges of our racial reconciliation journey over the last few years, I want to offer a few reflections on how this passage from Micah can speak into what comes next. 

Kindness: Be kind to yourself.  Racial reconciliation and reparations work is a new space and an uncomfortable one, especially for white people. We are going to make mistakes as a community and as individuals.  When we do, we need to be gentle and forgiving with ourselves so that we can learn from those mistakes. 

Humility: Let others lead, but don’t force it.  Seek to empower new leaders and new voices who bring different perspectives to the table.  Acknowledge your blind spots based on your social location and seek out new voices to fill that space.  You don’t have, or have to, have all the answers.

Justice: Remember the work is not about you. It is about us as a collective.  There may be times where you feel like you the individual are losing something: status, power, control, or other things.  But we as a collective are growing stronger at the same time.  Building new bonds of trust, developing new leadership, new identities, new understandings of how God has brought us together. That is justice work.  

So friends I hope to see you Sunday ready to do nothing more or less than to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God and with each other. 

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, “What are you looking for?”

John 1

When you came to church for the first time, or the first time as a semi-competent adult, you were looking for something. Or many things. You may have come looking for spiritual fulfillment. You may have come looking for community. You may have come for connection.  You may have come because it felt like the right thing to do. 

You may have come because you missed your mom.

Because you wanted your kids to be formed.  

Because you wanted to get married.

Because you were looking for peace. 

As we enter the season of Epiphany, now is as good a time as any to reflect on that question: “What are you looking for?” Like these soon to be disciples in the Gospel, you are quietly following Jesus around, seeing what he is up to, curious and perhaps confused about the whole spectacle when suddenly Christ turn to you and says: “What is it YOU are looking for?” 

What are you looking for today in your relationship with God? Depending on how long you have been involved in the Church, that might be a different answer than it was initially! That’s okay! 

But you are looking for something, and when you are able to put words towards it that is the beginning of a prayer. An ongoing prayer between you and God for whatever it is that you think you lack or need right now. 

And God is listening. So what are you going to say?

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The view from Bolton Street

Arise, shine; for your light has come,

and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

Isaiah 60:1

The season of Epiphany is upon us! A new light in the world. New opportunities are before us. New joys and new possibilities for growth. The wise men traveled hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles to greet the infant Christ – you only have to make it to 1407 Bolton Street. 

Because this Sunday you have your own opportunity to find new opportunities for joy, for service, and for community at Memorial.  We are having our first ever ‘Try it before you buy it’ Sunday - where you can stay after church and try out one of our ministries - acolytes, altar guild, lectors, ushers, choir, vergers, flower arranging and possibly a few other things.  (this was MY design for a flyer - fortunately Candice saw the wisdom of creating her own)

If you are new to Memorial please join us this Sunday and see if there is a place for you on the altar or in service to the community. If you are not so new, but are ready to take a step out of the pews (or chairs as it were) I hope you will come as well.  

We have some VERY DEDICATED volunteers who have carried our worship and ministry through the COVID era, but they could use a break, and WE could use someone like YOU on the altar.  


Because of the incarnation.  Because the power of this moment was people all over the world recognizing God in a newborn baby.  That looked just like all of us.  

When you  walked into this church the first time, did you see someone like you on the altar? In the choir? In the leadership?   If so - you know how important that is to feeling like you belong when you come in the door.  

And if not, don’t you want to see if you can make it a little easier for the next person who comes after you? To make sure that people see the face of God and their face in Church when they join us?  I hope so.  

One other thought on acts of service. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. The wise men brought gifts from far away. The disciples walked. The Israelites walked through the red sea and carried the ark across the Jordan. Joshua marched around Jericho with trumpets and flags.  The bible is filled with stories of people using their bodies in service of God, and getting more deeply connected to God in the process.  

I don’t ask you to serve on Sundays because we need warm bodies.  I ask you to do it in the hopes that it becomes a part of your spiritual work.  That it offers you an opportunity to offer a gift to God and receive God’s gifts in return.  After all, that is what the season of Epiphany is all about. 

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night…

We love Christmas music in our house.  Love it.  It is embarrassing how early in the season we start listening to Christmas music. It is shameless really. We love them all, from White Christmas to Dominick the Donkey to Christmas in Hollis we appreciate the whole canon of Christmas Carols. 

Except for one.  

Whenever ‘Do they know it’s Christmas’ comes on there are lots of groaning.  A LOT.  And all that in spite of it having a pretty epic video to go with it.  

There is something about the idea of ‘praying for the other ones’ and asking if they even know it is Christmas in Africa that just rubs me the wrong way. I mean, there WILL be snow in Africa, and there is plenty of water that isn't tears, and they will get better gifts than life! 

However, the idea that famine and drought are geological problems and not man made problems still persists in the world. As does the concept that what people need is just a little food or water or love to get them through this crisis, and not a drastic re-ordering of the entire economic system. 

Did you know that famine is rarely the result of a lack of food, but rather that food is often taken from those with little and given to those with much?  

Did you know that drought is often the result of water being stolen or diverted for swimming pools and resorts and not because there hasn’t been ‘enough rain this Christmas’? 

When the shepherds re-orient their lives towards Christ, they take their flocks with them. When the wise men arrive they bring signs and symbols of their world to the Christ Child.  When we come into contact with the divine in our lives, our hearts, minds, souls and ‘stuff’ should be re-oriented towards Jesus.  Have you re-oriented all of your life? 

When we look a little closer to home, we often find the same attitudes exist and persist.  We all feel a pang of guilt around the holidays realizing how good we have it compared to ‘the other ones’.  But instead of appeasing ourselves with toy drives and food deliveries, perhaps you should consider what you can do the rest of the year to change that reality.  To make ‘the other ones’ less other and more neighbor.  To make the stranger less strange and more family.  

I remain incredibly grateful that Memorial and so many others have embraced our reparations fund, which has set out to do just that.  That as a community we have decided we value the building of relationships, of the strengthening of communities and community partners more than simple charity work.  If you have not supported these efforts yet I hope that you will, with your time, talent and your treasure.  

And if you are worried it is too late, that you have not done enough please don’t worry.  Bono, the lead singer of U2 has gone from cringely crooning ‘tonight thank God it’s them instead of you’ to being universally acknowledged as one of the most generous people in the world and one the most active in causes of justice and equality the world over. There is always time to repair, restore, and reframe how we understand ourselves in the world and there is no better time to start than Christmas.  

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