Holy Week at Memorial 2021
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Services at Memorial have been adjusted to take into account the current state of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Our goals are three fold:
To have a safe but robust Liturgy of the Palms
To take communion together
To Walk into sacred and grace filled Holy Week together.
To that end, you are invited to Memorial at 4 pm on Saturday for the Liturgy of the Palms and to receive palms and communion kits to go. Please save these kits until Sunday Morning during the Eucharist at zoom church.
The Liturgy of the Palms will take place on Bolton Street in front of the Church. There will be a brief service, homily and instrumental music courtesy of Beth Torres.
If you do not feel comfortable taking part in the outdoor service, feel free to arrive between 4:30 and 5:30 pm to receive a communion kit and palms.
Sunday Morning at 10:30 am
We will have a Palm Sunday Eucharist in the Sanctuary and on zoom. If you would like to attend in person and you are not assigned one of the service roles, you can click here to register yourself for the service. During the service, following the Eucharistic Prayer we will invite you all to take communion at home with the rest of the congregation.
Holy Week Services
(All holy week services will be at 5:30 pm - in the sanctuary and on zoom—the link is here!)
Monday - Wednesday Spoken Eucharist with communion. If you wish to attend in person please bring a mask and respect the social distancing guidelines in the Church
Maundy Thursday - 5:30 pm Zoom only from the Sanctuary
Good Friday - 5:30 pm - zoom only from the Sanctuary
Holy Saturday - 9:30 am
Easter Sunday
Hallelujah! He is Risen!
As we begin to re-gather for in-person worship, we are very excited to be able to gather on Easter Day. Of course, we still need to take precautions as the COVID pandemic is very much still with us and many people, including children, have yet to be vaccinated.
The service will be available online, but there is limited capacity in the sanctuary for those who would like to worship in person. If that is you be aware: 1) you will still need to wear a well fitting mask, 2) there is no singing in the sanctuary, and 3) you will be seated only with people in your household bubble.
Kids are welcome! they will be able to take one of the prayground chairs with them to their seat and have ’prayground-in-a-bag’ to share.