The View from Bolton Street
Gathering in Lent: In our modern Christian tradition, we tend to think of Lent as a season of individual devotions. Whether we are taking something on (Bible study, devotionals) or giving something up (chocolate, soda, alcohol), we view it as something we do on our own. We focus on our own sinfulness, our own distance from God, and (often unwittingly) pull away from the broader Christian community.
However, we are entering an election year and coming out of a very isolating pandemic, and all we have to do is look around to see more and more division. War. Conflict. Partisanship. Racism. Bigotry. Anti-Semitism. Everybody wants to know what side you are on.
All of this division can be well, quite isolating. For that reason, this Lent at Memorial we are going to focus on how to come back together. You will notice some small changes in worship: we will kneel together at the altar rail for communion; we will allow some additional time for prayerful silence during worship; and we will sing, pray, and eat together - including a weekly formation program hosted by the vestry after the 10:30 service.
Of all the things we can do this Lenten season, let's be a community.