The View from Bolton Street
“Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord under Eli. The word of the Lord was rare in those days; visions were not widespread.”
1 Samuel 3:1
The introduction to Samuel’s “call story” (how he came to follow God) says quite a bit in only a few words.
Vision is rare. Gods presence is lacking. Certainly much the same could be said of this day and age. We see few leaders casting visions of a hopeful future and more and more threatening the return of a problematic past. We see fewer and fewer leaders listening for God’s word and more and more telling God what to say.
What do we make of this modern world? Where everything is fixed, and any change - from positions to opinions to work to life - is seen as a threat? What do we do with a culture where mystery is frowned upon and the divine is increasingly circumscribed to a few hours on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday depending on the flavor of your faith?
From time to time it is good to remind ourselves that we are not robots. That, in spite of our widget producing society, we are all thinking, feeling living beings who are filled with emotions, opinions, ideas, dreams and fears. That a call moment, like Samuel has here, can be a destabilizing moment. And that God’s intervention in our ordered lives is likely to feel destabilizing, disorienting, confusing.
Maybe you are feeling some or all of those emotions right now. Maybe God is calling you to something new. Maybe it is time to call back and say “Lord what would you have me do?”
If you are interested in dipping your toes in the water, now is as good a time as any to explore some new volunteer ministries at Memorial. Have you ever considered what the view is on the other side of the altar rail? Could you serve as an acolyte? Aa chalice bearer? In the altar guild?
Is justice your passion? Talk to Lateya about joining the reparations committee?
Are you a planner? Budget finance and buildings and grounds all need assistance.
We are a small church - but a vibrant community. To stay that way we need everyone to pitch in and volunteer one way or another. So please prayerful consider how God may be seeking to use you at Memorial in the coming year.