The View from Bolton Street
Memorial Episcopal Church continues to be a unique community of faith, steeped in our traditions and open to the work of justice in the world around us –or as I like to call it, following Jesus’ example.
This year our children’s program is bursting at the seams, our justice and reparations work is on track and picking up steam, and we are feeling a return to pre-pandemic-type attendance as our numbers for church attendance and volunteerism are picking up. All the while we continue to offer streaming services. We welcomed two new young members to the faith with confirmations this Holy Week, and continue to see new members who have joined the Church in the last year. It is energizing and exciting! Did I mention the new floors are finally installed and the air conditioning should be operational any day now? It has certainly been a long time coming.
Unfortunately, giving has not returned as quickly and our annual stewardship drive is more than $30,000 less than it was last year, and we also have eleven fewer pledges. As we seek to do good work in the community, help develop young Christians and have a powerful music ministry within worship, we are still dependent on the financial support of our members, friends and neighbors to keep the lights on and our programs going.
If you have not yet made a pledge to Memorial but would like to, you can do so here: Stewardship 2022 — Memorial Church ( And if you have other skills to offer, grant writing, maintenance, graphic design, or any other skills and talents you’d like to share with the world, don’t be afraid to reach out. There are many ways to be good stewards of the gift of this parish, and they are all received with equal joy.
Of course, the best way to support the memorial is with your presence! Either in person or online we would love to have you at any of the events listed below, in worship on Tuesday or Sunday mornings, or at future events. As we continue to build the beloved community it is good to remember that it is even more beloved with you in it.