The View from Bolton Street
If you spend time with children, you are familiar with the notion of “big feelings!” Young children (and sometimes children of all ages) have trouble managing their emotions sometimes and express them in less than helpful ways. During the Holidays many of us have “big feelings” whether it is because we are grieving, regretting, hurting or hiding. We might need a place to put those emotions, because tantrums aren’t nearly as acceptable as they were when we were little.
So thank you for joining us this evening as we gather to offer up our worries and concerns and hurts and wants this season and ask for a little bit of peace and light this Holiday season.
This service is intended as a moment apart from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season to help us prepare spiritually and emotionally for the coming of Christ. So that we are able to open our hearts to receive the love of God.
In Christ,
The Rev. Grey Maggiano