The View from Bolton Street

“Hurry up and wait!” 

Advent is a season of expectation. Which is a nice way of saying we are just standing around waiting. Waiting for Jesus. Waiting for Christmas. Waiting for the return. 

But it occurs to me that even as we are waiting for the coming of Christ, you all may be waiting for others things as well. 

Waiting to hear back on a job.

Waiting for an answer to a prayer. 

Waiting for peace. 

Waiting for healing. 

Waiting for hope.

Waiting for (fill in your own expectations here). 

And maybe you are a little like me where WAITING is not easy! You’d rather not wait! You want the answer now, the solution now, the present now, the celebration now. 

So perhaps we can consider Advent a season of practice waiting.

After all, we know what comes on the other side. Christmas! And then a whole new liturgical cycle. And because we know, we also know how to prepare, how to wait. 

One weekend you may get your tree. The next weekend you decorate outside. Then inside. Then you bake the cookies, and prep the meal and then you are READY - whatever happens. 

So about that other thing you are waiting for? How can you get ready for that. How can you adjust, modify, shape your life so that you are ready for those changes in your life as well? 

And what about that other big change? That second coming of Christ? 

Well maybe we leave that preparation for another day. 

See you in church! 

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

The View from Bolton Street


The View From Bolton Street