The View from Bolton Street
General Convention is here!
Wait, what IS General Convention?
Tomorrow delegates from all over the U.S., and a good portion of the Western Hemisphere, will be arriving in Baltimore for the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
While scaled-down substantially because of COVID, this is still a very large convention and will set the agenda for the business of the Church for the next three years.
Just as we have an annual meeting to vote on the budget and elect officers at Memorial, so do the Diocese and the National Church. But the National Church only meets every three years (four years this time due to a COVID delay), and a lot of business needs to get done.
In addition to voting on the budget, electing officers to National Bodies, and setting broader policy agendas, there will be important resolutions on everything from revising the prayer book, to the study of colonization, to where the National Church needs to go on Reparations.
There will also be a LOT of Church. And very very good Church.
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help with the convention - it is much appreciated!
One of the vows we make as clergy is to take part in the councils of the Church. That’s because from the beginning we have believed that when the Church gathers together the Holy Spirit is present and guides us to wise decisions and right actions.
And I don’t mean just the Episcopal Church, but the Christian Church! From Pentecost to Nicea to Today when the Church gathers prayerfully, interesting and unexpected things happen.
With that in mind I invite your prayers for the presence of the Holy Spirit here in Baltimore this week as we gather to consider what is next for the Episcopal Church and for the Kingdom of God.