The View from Bolton Street

John McIntyre's call to stewardship at the Dec. 4 service

Let me tell you a story. For more than a century, Memorial Episcopal Church was a white, racist, segregated parish. It was in living memory, in 1969, the year I was a senior in high school, that Barney Farnham opened those doors and invited Black people to worship here.

As time went on, Memorial became a place where divorced people who were not wanted in other Episcopal parishes found a welcome. The first woman ordained to the priesthood in Maryland served at this altar, and the first openly gay priest in the diocese also served at that altar.

But we are not perfected, and the story goes on. When you pledge your support to this parish, you say that you want to be part of this story. And we want you to be part of the story with us, because there is much still to be written.


The View from Bolton Street


The View from Bolton Street