Volunteer Positions - Sound and Video Engineers
Memorial Episcopal Church
Volunteer Position Description
Video and Sound Engineer
Why we need you:
To ensure that audio and video are seamlessly integrated into our Sunday morning worship in person and on zoom.
Why you need this:
If you are looking for a new way to be present in the service, to connect with the liturgy, or to listen to that still small voice of the spirit, this may be a good opportunity for you.
What you will do:
Arrive 30 minutes early, set up microphones, cameras, a laptop and two tablets to control audio and video, and connect the sanctuary computer to the zoom service.
During the service you will mute and unmute service participants in the sanctuary as well as ensure that the camera is focused on the right locations.
Following the service you will ensure everything is securely stored in the sacristy and that the batteries and camera are charging.
Who can do this:
Anyone reasonably comfortable with technology, and willing to learn.
How often will I do this:
Assuming a strong cohort of volunteers, no more than once a month.
How long is the commitment:
We ask that you commit to this from September to December. You will, of course, be invited to continue volunteering in the spring if you love it as much as we think you will.